16 Mar 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
I want to provide you with an update on the coronavirus (COVID-19) and our actions today in response to the Department of Education and NSW Health’s operational guidelines.
Panania North Public School currently do not have any suspected or confirmed cases of coronavirus. We will continue to follow the advice of NSW Health and the Department of Education as updated. Your children will most likely have knowledge of coronavirus (COVID-19) and will have seen and heard conversations and news footage. It is perfectly normal for children to have questions about events that are covered in the media, such as the information currently being distributed about COVID-19. Children look to the significant adults in their lives for guidance on how to manage their reactions and you can help your child by remaining calm and reassuring them. There is a common misunderstanding that talking with your child about a topic such as COVID-19 may increase their anxiety. This is not the case. It is important to listen to your child and answer their questions as honestly as possible and correct any misunderstandings. This will help them feel informed and understand what is happening. Keeping up to date with the facts from reliable sources will help keep conversations calm, considered, and constructive. Provide information in words that are appropriate to the age of your child. Children can be distressed by hearing repetitive stories so monitor how much your child is being exposed to television and social media and encourage them to talk to you about what they are seeing and hearing.
The health and safety of our students is paramount. If students are unwell with respiratory illness they should remain at home until symptoms resolve and, where appropriate, seek advice from a medical practitioner. Some practical advice for your child includes reminding them to cover their nose and mouth when they cough or sneeze (coughing into their elbow is a useful strategy), keep their hands clean by washing them regularly with soap and water, and avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth before washing their hands. These are easy habits for children to adopt, and should help them feel as though they're able to exert some control over their circumstances.
Actions implemented today at Panania North Public School:
Signage to classrooms, communal areas and toilets to reinforce healthy hygiene procedures.
All soap holders filled and will be regularly checked by executive.
Supervised handwashing for younger students.
Education regarding personal hygiene.
Increased parent communication – ensure you have skoolbag app
Students educated with factual and age appropriate knowledge regarding coronavirus.
Attendance cancelled for educational conferences and all external professional learning for all staff.
Staff preparing for student learning at home in case of school closure.
Regular cleaning of classrooms and disinfecting of desks and chairs.
All sick children will be sent home.
Changes to up coming school events:
18/3 Whole School Photo rescheduled to a later date.
19/3 Scripture Cancelled until further notice
20/3 PSSA Cancelled until further notice
20/3 Harmony Day Cancelled assembly until further notice
25/3 SSW AFL Cancelled until further notice
2/4 Colour Run To Be Advised
6/4 Swim Scheme To Be Advised
8/4 Easter Hat Parade To Be Advised
Warm regards,
Samantha Loveridge